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MORE JUICE PRESS FROZEN - Liver Cleansing Beetroot Juice

MORE JUICE PRESS FROZEN - Liver Cleansing Beetroot Juice


have powerful cancer fighting properties and daily consumption can lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, improve liver function, detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, reduce the effects of arthritis, boost energy levels and have positive effects on the skin. By adding grapefruit and carrot to our beet juice we create a powerful elixir for cleansing the liver. Iron and vitamins A and C help detoxify the liver and restore balance within the body.


INGREDIENTS (2 servings)

2 grapefruits

4 small beets

4 carrots

1 handful mint leaves



Peel the grapefruits, beets and carrots and cut them into smaller pieces.

Run through the More Juice Press, along with the mint leaves.

Garnish the juices with a slice of grapefruit and mint leaves.

Tip: If you’re taking certain medications stear clear of grapefruit. Apple is a great replacement!



Posted: 8/30/2018 3:42:52 PM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
Zepter Kitchen
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