Competition entry requirements:
1) All submitted entries must be in compliance with the competition theme.2) It is required that the entries are done as 3D creations presented in one of the customary ways such as a drawing, photography, photomontage, a digital simulation or similar, accompanied by a suitable text description. The solutions must be clearly presented both as a whole and in detail (shape, structure, dimensions, materials, finish and coat). The compulsory part of the submitted material is a visual presentation of the designed project in open space.. All the visual and textual submission materials must be presented in PDF format only, in high resolution suitable for high quality print such as catalogues, brochures, etc.
3) The closing date and submission:
The entries have to be submitted no later than 15 June, 2022 and to the two following e-mail addresses:gordana.biba.markovic@gmail.com, pressoffice@zepteritaly.com and per https://wetransfer.com for downloading the projects proposals.
4) Works sent after the specified date, 15 June, 2022, shall not be considered for the competition..
5) An acceptable submission of an entry must include:
- A complete application form filled in from the Artzept competition site page at https://www.artzept.com.
- A short conceptual summary of the work submitted (up to 300 words saved in a word file document), and clear, appropriate renderings, images, illustrations (in high resolution for printing) and other means such as animations, that show and explain the project proposed.
6) The right to apply and participate:
- Any natural person that complies with the set rules can submit an entry in the competition. If multiple persons submit a collective entry, they shall be regarded as co-entrants and shall share the right to one award as a single contestant.
- There is no limit to the number of submissions by any contestant but each work must be submitted as a separate entry.
7) Copyright and property rights:
- All entries must be original works. If it is established during the competition or upon its closure that a contestant – the artist who
created an entry – is not the exclusive holder or one of the holders or of copyright and property rights, such a person shall bear full material and other responsibility towards the person or persons who claim such rights. If such an entry wins an award in the competition, the contestant shall be obliged to return the award to the organiser no later than 15 days after the copyright and property rights claim by the third party has been positively established. - Selected works cannot be withdrawn from the competition, nor can contestants withdraw the application before the closing date of the competition.
- All items may be used for exhibitions, catalogues or other marketing and promotional purposes as the competition organiser finds appropriate and without any further approval or presence of the artist or compensation to the artist anywhere, and for an unlimited period of time, observing the artist’s moral copyright.
- artists shall be presented in the catalogue with reproductions of their works, their names and other professional and/or personal details in compliance with the data contained in the artists’ applications. Each artist is entitled to one free catalogue.
- The winners shall be announced on ARTZEPT site, https://www.artzept.com.
- By signing the application to participate in the ARTZEPT 2021 Zepter International Design Award contest, the artists commit to compliance with all the above-stated terms and conditions for entering the contest.
- There is no fee to enter this competition.