Here are a few facts about these mighty fruits whose extracts help keep our skin looking radiant and refreshed:
Kiwi – Not only is kiwi a delicious and nutrient packed fruit, it also contains great natural ingredients for your skincare routine. With several skin-friendly nutrients like vitamins C and E and antioxidants, kiwis are essential for enhancing skin health.

Papaya - Papaya acts as a natural exfoliating tonic. It leaves your skin spotless and even-toned as a result of its high vitamin A content. Studies show that the enzymes found in papaya also have positive effects on reversing the aging process.

Mango – Mangos give an eternal glow to your skin. Beta carotene and Vitamin A present in mango aid in resurrecting the dull skin, making lackluster skin radiant and luminous. On top of that, this fruit helps reduce dark spots, freckles and many more minor skin ailments.